This game is fun. I have plans to make dungeon crawler game out of this game, so maybe that will come soon! For now, you can play the master version of the game here. The original version here. And last but not least the alpha version of the game here
How To Play
- Use the Arrow Keys to move right to left and jump!
- Use the 'r' key to restart the game!
- Collect as many golden coins as you can without getting hit by a big, bad, fox!
- More big, bad, foxes will spawn in over time so be careful!
- Look at the score in the top right!
- Beta-DC version only: The blue door resets everything but your score, bringing you to a new level, your score will drop by 1
- The current high score is 49 for the alpha/old version and 126 for the beta-dc version. Let me know if you get anything higher
Make sure to checkout the!